Sunday, December 10, 2006

You can't buy social status

In the news a few days ago they talked about what people thinks gives others high social status here in Sweden. They did a list of 100 things you can be or you can have. Then they made a lot of people grade this qualities from 1-5 on a scale with 5 to the things they thought as making people have high social status gives a high social position and 1 for what brings your social status down.

Top 10
1. Be allmänbildad That's a good word that I miss in English so I keep it without translating. It means to be well-infomed and well-read on many diffrent subjects.
2. Be an involved and good parent
3. Have a capital you have earned by hard work
4. Be an accomplished professional
5. Speak many languages
6. Have the opportunity to take the whole summer off from work
7. Spend time and money on charity and helping people in need
8. Have many friends
9. Live in a spacious house or apartment
10. Have your own style

Bottom 10
91. Plays tennis
92. Have a fully booked schedule
93. Be good at poker or games like that
94. Have an intense party life/night life
95. Be a good amateur DJ
96. Being single and have an intense love life
97. Have attended private school
98. Have a nanny or cleaner without paying proper taxes for your employee
99. Have a fur
100. Have a 15 year younger partner

It is quite impossible to be the whole top ten but still, I like what my coutrymen sees as an ideal person. But the last ten surprises me. I wouldn't have guessed that we have this aversion against tennis. Or that it is a bad thing to be a great DJ.

The one thing that confuses me the most is: How the **** are you suppose to score a full top ten without having a fully booked schedule, the 92nd thing?

I am happy that a high social status aren't on my personal top ten.


Peterson Toscano said...

Now I am curious to see if a similar study exists in the US. Having spent the last week in Scotland and of course a glorious week in Sweden back in September, I ask myself, what in the world am I doing living in the USA?????

I love the Swedish top ten. (and as a dreadful tennis player, I agree that "Playing Tennis" belongs on the bottom of the list.

Elliot Coale said...

Peterson, don't ask a question like that!

To your pals in the US, you've been gone long enough already!

::blinking blankly at the screen, trying to calm down as I'm sitting in my school's library:: ::taking a deep breath::

But, I hope you're having a fabulous time!

Elliot Coale said...

Uh-oh...I want an intense, polyamorous love life AND an older partner (by at least a few years...not fifteen). I guess I'm in trouble....o ^_^ o

Alex Resare said...

Petersön, I don't even have to comment, you know where youre supposed to be!

Elliot, well as long as you wait a loooong time before you have a partner 15 yrs yonger that you... Maybe the polyamourus thing can open up a opportunity to compensate older partners with yonger. Well, obviously time for me to go to bed!