Thursday, December 14, 2006

Gott tagged

Peterson tagged me and I am supposed to tell you about things that are weird about me. But I am tiered and don't really like chain letters at all. So I won't tell you anything. If I had done in, how would I do?
Would I do like Peterson did and write five things on the same subject as the tagger. No, I am not in the mood to write about my tic and that I bite, or almost plane my lips with my teethes each and every moment. For how long would I have to google to find a correct term to explain that where the upper inner tendon of gluteus maximus meet the pelvis is my favorite spot on the human body? That is just not worth the time it would take. Who would be interested in knowing that I have a phobia for newly changed tires? We have to change between winter and summer tires by law and the first 500 miles are really tough for me. I am convinced that they will fall off even if I now that the bolts are fixed.

I have no interest in telling you that I don't like potatoes unless it is served with fermented fish and that I don't like fermented fish without potatoes.

I most certainly will not tell you about the imaginary friends that I still have. I will never confess to the long dialogues I have with my "friends". Earlier on I called them Friends instead an that made everything fun when I met my beloved friend Peterson and started to learn about quakers and that they call them self Friends. I still think about imaginary friend when I see him and others write about Friends.

Well, I don't think I will answer the questions the way Peterson did. I just don't feel like it.

Do I want to tell you different details that I think that others would think is weird with me? It is a big difference between what I think is weird with me and what other react to. I think it is very weird to have pets (like I do) but people never think that is strange. Instead they thing that something as normal as the fact that I am a man who have given birth is weird.

I think it is really weird that I some times buy magazines. They only exists to make me want to buy more by telling me everything that I am not but should be. Why do I read them even once in a while? Why do I give money to them and why do I enjoy the reading when I know the aftertaste? But few realizes the weirdness of magazines and react to other things like the amounts of dark chocolate that I eat. A day with less then 5 ounces of chocolate with at least 70% cacao is an empty day.

Another thing I think is very strange with me is that I often excuse myself when admit to prejudice thoughts. I have noticed that many think that it is good to feel ashamed when they discover prejudice thoughts with them self's but I think it is wrong to react with shame on ones biases. Everybody needs to simplify life and prejudice is a back side of that. I think that it is impossible to be unprejudiced but that we would want to strive to be as open as possible and that the obvious thing when we met one of our prejudice sides we would be happy to know that we have the possibility to become better persons and conclude with the bias inside. But few think that it is weird when I feel shame when I meet prejudice within myself. Instead people think that I am weird thinking about stuff like this.

No, I am still not convinced. I don't to write a post about my weirdness neither what I consider weird nor what I think that others think about me.


Peterson Toscano said...

You are a divine being. Thank you for this lovely post dear man.

Anonymous said...

Livet har
många toner
vi rör oss
i olika zoner

så skimrande
så klart
ses med nytt
för vart kliv

ny vinkel
ny kunskap

mörker täcker
en värld av färg
allt är svart
vart skall vi

ljus går upp
vi ser ett spår
är det dit livet går

livet står aldrig still
för oss ibland
dit vi inte vill

Låt oss sätta oss
en stund
i Guds stora

låt oss lyftas
av korsets kraft

döden är inte slutet

Kramar Mamma