Sunday, January 14, 2007


I have had some fights with blogger. Blogger refuse to upload pictures from me this weekend and I have tried to post just text twice but got errors even from that.

But now the pictures will load so maybe I have some luck with the posting as well.

I am back in the village I grew up. My parents moved away from here a couple of years ago down to Stockholm but they have kept this place and now my father is here for a few days and we drove up for the weekend.

This place is three hours up north from Umeå where we live. It is a very small village in a rather harsh climate. Usually it is snow on the ground from October until the end of April but most winters there are some snow left a lot longer. My birthday is June 5th and it wasn't many birthdays my neighbor didn't find some snow to make a birthday snowball to throw at me. Right now it is about a meter of snow here and -15°C/5°F. I am glad we didn't come two days earlier when it was -25°C/-13°F. I love the snow but I think it is hard to enjoy it when it is as cold as that.

The two images above is just taken with my phone camera from the car when we arrived yesterday. It doesn't make the spectacular sunset any justice. The house is where I grew up and the hill below is just to the right, you can see how they fit together.


Anonymous said...

Lyssna lite på den ljuvliga tystnaden åt mig

se lite på stjärnorna som finns miljontals ljusår bort men som kommer så nära för min räkning

njut lite av den rena luften och skicka ett tack från mig som fått andas den i femton år

se soluppgång och solnedgång från ett och samma rum på övervåningen och bli varse att vi är delar av ett stort skapelseunder

krama om varandra från mig säg att jag älskar er och att mitt hjärta ömmar för er
Gör en ängel i snön och skicka den till Ängla som just jag hållit i mina händer

Maria said...

Jag vill också vara med dig i Adak!