Exodus International is lying
Alan Chambers is lying about my country. That makes me frustrated. First I thougt it was a missunderstanding but it seems to be nothing less than just a cheap lie to score easy points to a audience unable or unwilling to check the facts.
Today is the Religious Freedom Day and Exodus International is celebrating this with lies about Swedish laws. I first read about this on Tor Billgrens Swedish blog antigayretorik who quoted Exodus press release:
Chambers notes that there have been many examples of this in the United States and around the world. Canada, Australia, Sweden and other European nations have used hate crimes law to punish, even imprison preachers for speaking out against protected persons. Preachers have been fined or jailed in Canada and Sweden for quoting passages from the Bible about homosexuality.
No preacher in Sweden has been jailed for quoting passages from the Bible about homosexuality. It is a lie. Åke Green and Leif Liljeström was prosecuted but freed on the charges concerning quoting the bible in order to oppress homosexual persons.
I found your site via Peterson's site and was wondering if I could link to it.
Yeah Alex, sadly Sweden is often referred to as a place where gays have all the power and that Christians are silenced. Most people don't realise that the majority of LGBT centres in Sweden can't even put a sign out front because they kept getting vandalized and that the state of Connecticut in the US grants more rights and protections to trans folks than Sweden and that many people still live in the closet for fear of rejection from those who they love the most.
But of course when people issue statements like those you quote, it is not about the people, it is about politics and about raising funds.
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