Thursday, May 03, 2007


Yesterday I got some frustrating news.

In Sweden the equivalent to high school is called gymnasium. I did not graduate the gymnasium in my teens but dropped out. To be able to study at a higher level you have to graduate and get a diploma called slutbetyg - a name an English teacher student I had once translated not to final grade or school-leaving certificate but to slut grade.

The rules surrounding this slutbetyg is complicated and differs if you are young, have finished some high school or non at all. A couple of days ago I heard from another student that a rule I thought I had gotten right actually was different and that I then would not qualify for higher education after this term. So I went to the guidance office to seek some answer and was very relieved to learn that I had got the rule right. For a second or so I felt really good but then she looked closer on my report cards I brought and told me that I missed a required coarse. My last guidance council told me I didn't have to take that coarse but I learned that she probably thought I hadn't any previous high school and I do so the rules force me to take that coarse and now it is to late to do this term so there is no chance of going to the university this fall.

I felt so stupid for not double check the first info I got. If I had known this earlier it wouldn't have been any problem. It is a coarse I wanted to take every term but it never really worked well with my schedule.

The problem for me now is not that I have to take this coarse. The problem is that I completely lost motivation and inspiration to finish this term. I have been on reserve energy for a while and now I just feel empty.

I got a profound sense of worthlessness and meaninglessness I didn't go to todays class even if I really need them. Tomorrow is my first final and I know I will go but I feel like such a failure even in advance so I doubt it will go well. It's the first of two English class finals and it is 90 minutes of essay writing. It will probably result in me writing even less on this blog for a while. The main reason for my infrequent posts here is my English class and getting language "skills" graded. I should focus my energy onto something I do well instead. Unfortunately I haven't found much of that. My talents are above average in much areas but I am not really good at anything.

I detest our school system right now. I am so stupid but the system seems to be even more stupid. I have studied so much and so hard and I scored so high on the högskoleprov, our national university aptitude test and still I can't get in because of a short and irrelevant coarse I will never need for knowledge just for the qualification. It is a science coarse and I will study history and philosophy.

Graduation seems to be for others than me. But I know I will finish it. I have failed enough and I got more than enough of stubborn genes and I will do this. I just have to get the frustration out on something and now it gets to be you.

Mom, don't get worried, I am just sad and frustrated. Many things are very good as well. The spring is coming at last. If you squint you hardly see any ice on the shore in this photo on our Nydalasjön


Anonymous said...

"My talents are above average in much areas but I am not really good at anything."

That's so very true for me too.

Let me guess, the course you've missed is Historia A? I wasn't allowed to take that one in gymnasiet because of stupid, rigid rules, though I was willing to study overtime (which I hadn't really needed, seeing how simple lot's of the classes were...), because the guidance counselor was over protecting and didn't want me to be exhausted... (LOL) Then when I'd finished gymnasiet with mediocre grades and got quite a nice grade on högskoleprovet, and wanted to get in to law school I found out that Historia A was required. This meant that I had to lie my way in to komvux after the admission was closed and study 200%, since I was already taking gymnasie level classes in maths and pyhisics (which were not quite as simple as the lame subjects I was studying in gymnasiet...).

Thank you, guidance counselor.

I'm sorry that things turned out this way for you, since you were so enthusiastic about studying at the university and you were doing so great in all your classes. I hope that you will be able to regain that motivation. At least, your great grades (and the ones you'll hopefully get this term too) and the results at högskoleprovet will be waiting for you when you've busted the system and have no stakes left on your way to the university.

This faliure isn't yours, it's the schooling system's.

I also hope that your english essay writing will go well tomorrow!

Alex Resare said...

Hej Linderholm and thanks for the comment. The course I miss is naturkunskap A. I got the B-course but not the A-one.

I just sat and looked at the different qualification levels and has discovered that if I just read Chemistry and Biology together with that annoying missing course there is almost nothing I can't study later on. If I don't change my mind and want to be a doctor and have to score better on the Högskoleprov. But they are only valid for 10 years and now it is two years since I did mine so maybe I have to do it again before I am finished with my basic qualifications. I'll bet you they will change the rules until next term so I have to take more coarses in infinity.

Anonymous said...

Nu har vi pratat en lång stund i telefon och jag är så stolt över att du klarat så många kurser.
Tänker mig att du är tom av ansträngning och besvikelse över den djungel av regler som styr behörighet till högskola. Du är närmare det målet nu än du varit tidigare i alla fall. Kolla olika vägar och hör med fler studie- vägledare. Det är som sagt inte säkert att de själva kan allt.
En termin till på Komvux är ju inte heller fy skamm eftersom det breddar dina kunskaper och ger dig ännu fler yrkesval.
Kram och välkommen hit till Kristi Himmelsfärdsdagen.
Ps igår kväll tänkte jag på er alla fem så längtansfullt att jag började gråta.
Hoppas vi får några fina sommardagar tillsammans i Adak.
Kram Mamma

Anonymous said...

Sorry to learn of the complication, Alex. You'll be in my prayers for taking the exam.

Bill aka Gur Tus

TjAnders said...

Nu har ju alla sagt det jag känner att jag skulle ha kunnat säga... Men sänder dig ändå många kramar och böner om att du ska (efter att du varit nere i gropen ordentligt) hitta tillbaka till viljan och kampen jag ser att du har i dig! Men gotta dig först ordentligt nere i gropen så du blir färdig med det!

Förmodligen dum fråga!?! Du kan inte läsa in kursen själv och bara tenta av den?

Har förresten saknat dig!

Alex Resare said...

mamma: tack för att du ringde. Det kändes mycket bättre efter vi pratat.

Bill: Hi. Thanks for the prayers. I did good on todays essay writing and it feels better now than yesterday.

tj: hej och tack för kommentaren. Jag har också saknat dig (er!).

Jag kan tenta av kursen men kan inte göra det förren till hösten. Då är det lika bra att läsa den eftersom jag får studiemedel om jag läser kursen som vanligt men får betala om jag vill tenta av den. Om jag skulle lyckas hitta ett jobb så tentar jag gärna hellre av den och jobbar men nu så lutar det åt att helt enkelt läsa en termin till.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but ain't that just great? You've passed the B level, but yet you have to take the A level..? That's just stupid!!

Anonymous said...

Alltså, vad ska man säga? Studievägledare har väl aldrig haft det bästa ryktet, med DETTA!?