Not another update
God Jul or whatever holiday you may celibrate or avoid!
I have a short brake from decorating gingerbread house 2 and 3. We're having a x-mas orgie here.
For the first time since I moved away from home I am spending x-mas at home. I wonder why we didn't think about that earlier. A lot of my holiday stress is gone when we don't have to plan far away traveling.
We also skipped most of the gifts and other parts of the tradition that I don't like much. The other parts that I do like I enjoy a lot more.
I can recommend that a lot.
But Alex. you might think, why are you talking about that? Make amends for blogfading, explain it and promise to never let it go more than a couple of days between posts like last year!
I don't do well with rules and that rule of having to feel bad for not blogging on my own blog is not really something I will do.
When I started blogging my big focus were spiritual and philosophical wonders regarding transition, non-normality and other stuff that I feel have a great point in being talked about in the open.
When I started to accept myself more and more those questions faded and other questions started to arise. The new questions were stuff I liked to keep for myself. Not really secrets but stuff I didn't want input on from others because I needed to build a foundation for myself first.
Another part is that many of my questions now will keep changing your view on me and I feel like I have put yall through enough already.
Being transgendered is hard in many ways. But in some ways it isn't. Since it isn't a choice but forced upon us and there is no other healthy way to handle it than to accept it and learn to live with it. I often meet people that think it has to do with morality or spirituality but I don't think so. At least for me transition was necessary to keep me (get me) sane.
So here's my warning. You will probably not approve with much that I will write. I don't do well with just writing about how many gingerbread houses I have done so when I write my values and thoughts will come up. Even if they don't fit.
I haven't read this since I don't read stuff about me ->
In Swedish:
1 comment:
fint att läsa om ett par i tiden
stort att vi är en del av er
större att ni är en del av oss
störst att kärleken försätter berg
tid för inre samtal
med vår Herre
tid för gemenskap
tindrande barnaögon
blivande minnen i ert livs trädgård
Kram vi älskar er alla Mamma och pappa
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