Friday, August 03, 2007

peace and quiet

I haven't been good at updating my blog this summer as the brave few readers still left probably have noticed. The thing is that I'm not in blog mode when the kids are home from school and the summer tend to do that with kids. Ergo no posts until fall.

Last week was spent with my partners family. This summer has been very wet (rain-wet not liquor-wet) and most of the time at the in-laws was spent on one of their huge porches with thousands (ok, not really, but probably at least a hundred) pelargoniums/geraniums. Here is one of the ones that got caught under my pen and brush and the veranda it was placed on.

My mother-in-law has a very beautiful garden with a magnificent view over the Viskan river valley. Viskan is a "river" known by everyone that has attended Swedish schools. Every single student have to learn the names of the rivers Lagan, Nissan, Ätran, Viskan by learning the phrase Lagar Ni, Äter Vi (If you cook we will eat). There is nothing strange with students that have to learn a few rivers in school. The only surprise was when I first saw these rivers. Where I come from those water-thingies are a stream at best but would probably mostly counts as a ditch. It is literally possible to jump over every single one of them without getting wet. At least on some spots. We never had to learn the name of the real rivers like Klarälven that is seven times longer and where a boat is needed to cross. But besides that - the view from the in-laws veranda is beautiful. I'm glad we stayed for a couple of days.

Now it is supposed to be all work for me. But the kids have another view on the summer so it just becomes a few hours of work every day. We're all working on learning how to compromise at least.


TjAnders said...

Det är en sån veranda jag vill ha! Så mysig den ser ut!
Alla hälsar!

Peterson Toscano said...

hej there dear Friend. I love the drawing. It seems like a lovely garden. Missing you and thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Jag tänkte precis samma sak första gången jag såg ett av dessa diken!
Great minds think alike, huh?

Hoppas att sommaren varit bra, regnet till trots, och att vi kan ses snart.

Förresten: Nu kar lillgrisen krypa! Det du!

Signe said...

Jag lånar din verandaakvarell som skrivbordsunderlägg. Väldigt somrig och idyllisk!

anett said...

Vi tänker på er (och tittar efter er) varenda gång vi åker förbi verandan! Hoppas ni har det bra, Anett (Henny, Mathilda och Idas mamma)